Page 93 - Asia 2021 Catalog
P. 93

Asia Travel Best


    "Burma" is a familiar and discursive way to indicate Burma, or rather, Myanmar (the la�er is instead
    the "official" version). "Burma" is also - a�er all - the nicest way to call this huge country from
    Southeast  Asia.  Which  derives  from  that  "Bama"  with  which  Burmese  confiden�ally  call  their
    na�on. Mynamar is a kind of large container of different languages   and cultures. Although the term
    "Burmese" is used generically to indicate the en�re popula�on of Burma, however there are seven
    ethnic minori�es living in the country: Chin - Kachin - Karen - Kayah (formerly Karenni) - Mon -
    Rakhine (or Arakan) - Shan. more. In Burma, in fact, more than a hundred languages   and dialects
    have been iden�fied. And many of the cultures behind these languages   are unique in the world, and
    very ancient. There are, for example, "long-necked women" (" colleagues ”of the most famous Thai“

    giraffe women ”), that they wear those extraordinary brass necklaces. There are also sea nomads -
    called Selong - in the sub tropical region. Or, again, the Naga headhunters, along the border with
    India. One hundred languages, one hundred cultures, one hundred reasons to visit Myanmar, or
    Burma, or Burma. One of the biggest "a�rac�ons" of Myanmar is undoubtedly Buddhism. The Bud-
    dhist religion (and / or culture) here has not so far suffered any contamina�on by tourism. Buddhism
    has exercised - and s�ll does - a great deal of influence on Burmese culture and art. It is no coinci-
    dence that the skyline of Yangon (be�er known as Rangoon, the largest city in Burma) is dominated
    by two spectacular pagodas: Shwedagon and Sule. To fully understand the depth and faith of Burma

    and its people, you need to spend �me among shrines, pavilions and terraces - especially at sunset
    or sunrise, when these places offer extraordinary views and colors. The monas�c lifestyle has remai-
    ned unchanged for centuries. . Proof of this are the many monasteries with red roofs located on top
    of the hills, with extraordinary views of gorges and rivers. About the best of what Burma can offer to
    the eyes and soul of those who visit them.
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