Page 23 - Asia 2021 Catalog
P. 23

Wat Phra That Lampang Luang is a Lanna-style Buddhist temple. The first element, Phra, means relic of
                                         the Buddha (from phra which is an honor and what relic means). The
                                         word Luang comes from ในหลวง (Nai Luang), a way of referring to the
                                         Thai  King,  and  indicates  that  the  monument  was  sponsored  by  His
                                         Majesty, usually for reconstruction or renovation. The temple is said to
                                         hold a relic of the Buddha. Such relics are typically bones and ashes
                                         believed to have been collected after the Buddha's cremation. The relic
                                         is installed in the main Chedi of the temple. There are several bullet holes
                                         in the temple, believed to have been thrown by legendary folk hero Nan
                                         Thipchang,  and  ancestors  of  the  House  of  Chao  Chet  Ton  (Seven
    Princes) who reigned Lanna as a Siamese Vassal during the Thonburi and Early-Mid Rattanokosin eras. .
    Of high interest is the bronze statue of the Buddha in the ordination hall.
    Visited Wat Phra That Lampang the van will take you to visit the Elephant Protection Center: The Elephant
    Protection Center combines cultural interest with environmental protection. Elephants played a pivotal role
    as pack animals during the heyday of the teak industry and, although that
    era has passed, many pachyderms have been welcomed to the center
    where visitors can see demonstrations of their ability to forestry activities
    and  try  their  hand  at  the  care  of  these  formidable  animals.  The  main
    objective of the Elephant Conservation National Institute is to promote
    the  protection  of  elephants  in  a  sustainable  way  and  preserve  local
    traditions for future generations. The Institute also aims to expand the type
    of tourism offer in the province for which there is an involvement of animals
    in activities related to tourism. Inside the center there is a squadron of
    Elephants from the Royal Stable.
    After visiting the Elephant Protection Center and having lunch in one of the local trattorias, the Van will take
    you to the famous city of Chiang Mai also known as the Rose of the North. Now you will be free to explore
    the city, enjoy a traditional Thai massage or savor the tastes and smells of northern Thai cuisine, visit the
    Temples or the famous Flower Market.
    Dinner and overnight in a 4 *

    Day 5 -  (Chiang Mai).
    Dopo colazione visita ai Templi e alla vecchia Città di Chiang Mai
                                      Con  la  caduta  anche  di  Ayutthaya  in  mani  birmane,  la  popolazione  di
                                      Chiang Mai fu deportata e la città rimase disabitata per 15 anni. In questo
                                      periodo, a fungere da capitale del Regno Lanna fu la città di Lampang.
                                      Formalmente, Chiang Mai divenne parte del Siam nel 1774 quando il Re
                                      Thai  Taksin  la  riconquistò  dai  birmani.  Cresciuta  sia  dal  punto  di  vista
                                      culturale che economico, la città ha assunto il ruolo di capitale del nord della
                                      Thailandia  ed  oggi è  seconda  per  importanza  alla  sola  Bangkok.  Qui  la
                                      gente parla il Kham Muang, ossia il thailandese del nord o Lanna, ma a
    livello scolastico è usato il Thailandese Centrale o di Bangkok.
    Oggi visiterete:
       1.  Wat  Phrathat  Doi  Suthep:  Wat  Phrathat  Doi  Suthep  is  a
           temple  of  Theravada  Buddhism  in  Chiang  Mai  province.  The
           temple  is  often  referred  to  as  "Doi  Suthep",  although  this  is
           actually the name of the mountain on which it is located. It is
           located 15 km from the city of Chiang Mai at over 1000mt above
           sea level. From the temple there is a spectacular view of Chiang
           Mai, making it a popular tourist destination. To get there or you
           will have to climb over 300 steps the path is decorated with the
           heads  of  Naga  (a  snake-shaped  deity),  but  you  can  use  the

                                               ASIA TRAVEL BEST
                                   927/138 Ketuti Village Soi Lat Phrao 87 – 10240 - Bang Kapi – Bangkok
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